Origin Story
When I first stepped into the world of insurance, I never imagined it would shape my life in such profound ways. My story is not one of a traditional path, but one of discovery, growth, and a passion for helping others navigate the often overwhelming world of Medicare and health insurance. My agency started as a small spark of an idea and has grown into something vibrant, meaningful, and full of potential.
A Humble Beginning
My journey into insurance began with the encouragement of my boyhood friend Mitch, a Marine veteran who entered the industry after his service. Mitch, a natural-born salesman, often told me that I had what it takes to succeed in this business. I’d protest, saying, “I’m not like you,” and he would simply reply, “You don’t have to be. People like you, they trust you, and you genuinely enjoy helping others.” These conversations became a recurring theme over the years as I advanced at the mill, gradually working my way into the office.
Before leaving college, I had been studying computer programming, but it was in the office at the mill where I discovered my knack for connecting with people. As my responsibilities grew and outpaced my compensation, I became increasingly aware of the ceiling at my current job. It was a family business, and I wasn’t part of the family. When Mitch returned with another offer to help me join his company as a captive agent, I gave it serious thought. One evening, as I signed payroll checks for family members that far exceeded my own, I made the decision to take the leap.
Determined to make a change, I started taking classes on evenings and weekends to learn the insurance business. Before long, I passed the state insurance exam on my first attempt. During this time, my boss, known as “Big Daddy,” reassigned me from the office to the most physically demanding job on the floor. Partnered with Rolando, the fastest worker, I spent six grueling weeks building hardwood pallets. In hindsight, I see that Big Daddy wasn’t punishing me but rather testing my determination while safeguarding his operations. His challenge worked—I passed the exam and never looked back.
I carried my blue-collar work ethic into the challenging world of Property and Casualty insurance. Over time, I found fulfillment in helping clients understand their coverage and save money. The early years passed quickly as I established myself in the industry. When Mitch left American National for a management position at Farmers Insurance, he encouraged me to join him. After a year of consideration, I made the leap. Initially, I thrived, bringing many loyal clients with me and earning recognition at Farmers events. However, as rates rose and the initial excitement waned, the job began to feel like a grind.
Building Something New
The turning point in my career came when my father retired from his state job and asked for my help navigating Medicare. What I thought would take five minutes quickly unraveled into a complex maze of rules, alphabet designations, and warnings about late enrollment penalties. Realizing I needed guidance, I reached out to a colleague from a trade organization who walked us through the process. While my father ultimately chose a different company, the experience left a lasting impression on me. I decided that if I ever helped people with Medicare, I would make it a priority to offer them as many options as possible.
In 2005, I began assisting my Farmers clients as they turned 65. These meetings felt refreshingly different—I wasn’t focused on selling but rather on genuinely guiding them toward the best options for their needs. While what I offered was often the best solution, there were times when it wasn’t, and I took pride in prioritizing their needs over my own. This shift in approach reignited my passion for helping people in a meaningful way.
As my passion for Medicare grew, my work as a P&C agent felt increasingly unfulfilling. Over time, I dedicated most of my energy to building my Medicare business, determined to create something meaningful and client-centered. After years of effort, I reached a point where I could confidently leave Farmers and focus entirely on my independent agency. In 2022, I took the leap, selling my Farmers Insurance agency to devote myself fully to Bredimus Insurance Agency and the clients I’m privileged to serve.
Looking Ahead
In 2023, I began a new chapter by helping other agents as a manager, introducing them to the industry I love and often refer to as "the best job in the world." Watching these agents embrace Medicare and integrate it into their agencies has been incredibly rewarding. However, my primary passion remains working one-on-one with clients, helping them navigate Medicare and find the best solutions for their needs. I share in the satisfaction these agents feel, as it mirrors the joy I experience every day in guiding my own clients through this complex system.
Looking back, it’s clear that every challenge and transition shaped the agency I run today. Being an independent broker allows me to put my clients’ needs first, and my experience as a captive agent gives me unique insights into the industry. My goal is to help clients navigate this complex world with confidence, providing guidance and support at every step.
I’m grateful for the journey and excited for the possibilities ahead. If you’re reading this, know that you’re part of this story, and I look forward to the journey we’ll take together.